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Ask Kathy
Book your personal "Ask Kathy" strategy session.
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Here's your chance to work one on one with me and get the business answers, the strategies you've been looking for. At a price everyone can afford. Without risk. With a money back guarantee.
Get answers fast!
What's your business issue, strategy need or nagging problem? Better yet, what's your dream?
Do you want to increase your customer traffic, build a bigger customer base and connect more effectively?
Would you like to get an unbiased website review and go over specific ways to improve it, even improve it on the spot?
Are you looking for the foundation for a business you are starting and want to know how to talk about yourself and your offerings so you connect with your potential customers and make them more receptive?
Perhaps you want to start a side hustle and you need to figure out ways to leverage your skills and experience.
Is your brand just tired, no longer a fit for you, missing the mark, or just plain needs professional guidance?
Do you want to learn how to write copy that absolutely cuts through the clutter and drives results?
Is the speech you've written just not working, and you want the expertise of a person who has written speeches for business leaders and politicians, many you would know?
Is there a book in you, and you want to learn what it takes to create and publish it or get input from Kathy on your book idea, (you did know Kathy's branded and written dozens of books, right)?
Are you putting on a big company meeting and need to energize the room, not just inform, but don't know how?
Are you feeling blasé about your business and need a shot of creative energy, inspiration, and next steps to get you excited again?
Are people clicking off your videos, but you don't know how to improve them?
Do you have a specific business problem and need strategies and next steps to get beyond it?
Has your business stalled and you need to get to the next level but don't know how?
Are you trying to find a way to instill more purpose in the people you work with, build more esprit de corps, and increase performance?
Do you want to create and nurture a brand that is loved and that people want to talk about and buy from over and over again?
Do you finally see that heart is critical to business success, and until now you never thought you could afford Kathy Heasley, the "heart" expert, who has helped companies worldwide?
You may have your own reasons. These are just what people like you typically say. Whatever your reason, whatever your need, an outside perspective by not just a marketing person--there are tons of those--but THE heart-based branding expert and business advisor is the answer. Kathy is at last just a Zoom meeting away. No long-term contracts, no hassle.
Asking Kathy is easy.
This is so simple. Just decide you owe it to your business and yourself to up the game and get my help. Then just click on the link below to book your "Ask Kathy" session. You'll select your time, date and method of payment. Then you and I will have your Zoom Video meeting. It's one-on-one counseling and one-on-one solutions that are yours and yours alone. With me!

Let my experience be your competitive advantage.
A personal promise...
Asking Kathy is 100% risk-free.
Hi there,
The way you feel right now? Maybe a little stuck. Not sure of your next move. Hopeful, but uncertain. You'll feel dramatically different after we meet. How do I know? Because I know that feeling. I've been there, guided countless executives, and help them see what they are missing. Yes, see what they are missing. And now there's no risk. It's guaranteed. If you don't think the answers, solutions, ideas, strategies, and examples I give you are of value, then tell me at the end of the Zoom call and I will refund your money. (Hasn't ever happened I'm happy to say!)
If you want to know more about me, to know if I'm qualified, just click here. But the bottom line is I've helped thousands of business leaders drive hockey-stick growth since I began my career decades ago. My experience crosses industries. That's great for you. A new perspective... my informed, experienced, heart-based perspective, can be yours.
Kathy :-)