Corporate stage event production can be a wild ride. Anyone behind the scenes knows that. But thankfully 5-0 Productions is there with far more than the gear producers need. 5-0 is there with a talented, experienced team of professionals who know how to bring a stage vision to life. And who also know how to handle the inevitable problems that occur in a live production. 5-0 not only minimizes the challenges as close to zero as possible, they know how to solve them quickly resulting in outstanding productions time after time. Heasley & Partners made sure the world would see just how 5-0 Productions helps you ride the waves of stage production.
The Problem
5-0 Productions' brand was just a logo on the shirts the audio-visual pros wore on site. They were a team so busy making sure all their clients were taken care of that they put themselves last. Very often that is the case in a rapidly growing business built on referrals. At last 5-0 grew to a significant size and said, it's time we show the world who we are and how we can
help. It's time to help our referral partners out by putting a brand out there that represents us and the results we deliver. They called Heasley & Partners.
The Solution
Using our Heart & Mind® Branding method, we interviewed all team members, stakeholders and clients. We learned what makes 5-0 Productions so superior. A big part of it is the fact that their gear is up to date and expertly maintained, so it fails virtually never. Yes, you have to think of that when you hire this service. It's the mind side of things. But moreover, we discovered 5-0 Productions was really in the "Peace of Mind Business." Producer after producer said, they felt calmer when 5-0 Productions was on the job. They slept better. That's the heart.
The big idea happened: Let's take founder and CEO, Carey Dicksion's own story and really expand it out. Let's use Carey's calm-under-pressure, Maui North Shore surfer background and its wild waves as a metaphor for the wild ride that is event production. The name 5-0
Productions (a take on Hawaii 5-0) was already there. Let's bring the message and image there too. And let's be real about how we say it. "We got this." And as any stage producer knows, this refers to a lot of technical, creative and executional issues. "We got this" is like a sedative to worried producers.
Heasley & Partners communicated the heart through the founding story, the broader messaging and through new graphic elements that creatively linked water, waves and even the many gear and wiring components that is Audio Visual Production. We expanded that across all platforms creating a the holy grail of branding... consistency.
Heasley & Partners created:
Brand logo
Brand tagline
Founding story
New messaging
Blog standard
Business systems
Gear labels
And more...
Through this process, Heasley & Partners found the most important heart-based brand element the company could own--its story--and linked that to its outstanding track record of abilities, talent and excellence. Everyone says they are good at what they do. Who knows, right? But only 5-0 Productions demonstrates they understand what producers live every day. And can say, "We Got This" to the wild waves of stage event production, connect with the heart and prove their claim through their genuine, meaningful and different brand.